Bayview mausoleum in Burlington
Pricing - Bayview Cemetery

The following are packages commonly selected by our clientele. While 3 options are provided below, we can customize a package to specific needs and budgets. In addition, payment plans are available for families planning ahead. Scroll down for package details.




Package A  

Double Tower Space: $1,995.00

Two Marmo Marble Urns: $900.00

Two Cremations: $930.00

Memorial Engraving: $590.00

Two Open and Close Fees: $250.00

Total: $4665.00

Unless otherwise indicated, applicable taxes, disbursement, caskets, urns and other merchandise are not included.

Package B 

Bayside Gardens North Side: $6,500.00

Two Marmo Marble Urns: $900.00

Two Cremations: $930.00

Memorial Marker: $1275.00

Two Open and Close Fees: $350.00

Total: $9,995.00

Unless otherwise indicated, applicable taxes, disbursement, caskets, urns and other merchandise are not included.

Package C 

Tandem Crypt Top Level: $19,800.00

Memorial Marker: $1,825.00

Good Shepard Vase: $725.00

Two Open and Close Fees: $750.00

Total: $23,100.00

Unless otherwise indicated, applicable taxes, disbursement, caskets, urns and other merchandise are not included.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call us at 905-522-5466.
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